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Welcome to my Blog

July 12, 2017      In Uncategorized No Comments

Hello and Welcome!

Have you ever gone into work and asked yourself “What the hell am I doing here”? Well you’re not alone! There are literally thousands of people asking that exact question on a daily basis. Some hate the people they work with; others hate the people they work for. But mostly they just hate what they do.

So to all of you I ask: If you didn’t have to worry about money, what would YOU be doing?? Yes I know, that is the age old question that everyone has asked you. And you are probably saying to yourself, like most people, I have no clue. But can you answer me what you definitely would NOT do? Start there and make a list of at least 10 things you wouldn’t do. And just to get you started, here are 5 things I wouldn’t do:

  1. Get another job!
  2. Go out of my way to make someone else happy if it compromises my happiness
  3. Settle for mediocrity
  4. Let someone else control my future
  5. Remain stagnant in my abilities.

But now seriously, the things I would do? Well, like you, at first I was struggling to find things that would make me happy and things that literally got me out of bed in the morning. But after a few years of working the same crap jobs that most people hate, I started improving myself mentally. Some of the things I did included:

  1. Reading ‘Self-help books’.
  2. Watching YouTube videos.
  3. Listening to podcasts about subjects that I wanted to learn more about.
  4. Listening to ‘Motivational Speakers’
  5. And quite literally Smiling!

Did you just ask yourself: “Where am I going to find time to do all that????” Well everyone has the same 24 hours in a day. It is how they use those 24 hours as to how they get from where they are to where they want to be. One of the best ways to fit new items into your life is a technique that I learned from Anthony Robbins called NET – No Extra Time. And what this technique does is, it allows you to do your daily routine AND fit in this new material to make changes in your life.

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