Over The Edge

So you’re working away at your job and you’re thinking to yourself, “Self, this job isn’t so bad. The people I work with are great, the job itself is super easy. The money is OK, but it would be great to have just that little bit more (I think we are all there).” And then you go into work one day and stress after stress after stress arises and your day turns out to be one of THE worst you have had in pretty much your entire career!
At the end of the day you go home and your loved one asks how the day goes and you simply explode on them! You didn’t mean to unload or unleash the verbal assault that was just spewed, but there was nothing you could do about it! It literally just happened! With severe concern for your well being, their response was that you should look for a new job / position.
So your loved one advises that they have noticed that one of your hobbies puts quite the smile on your face. They suggest that you try making a profit from your hobby. After a couple days of pondering, you’re like “Hells yes! I can do this!” And that is when the road to entrepreneurship was born for you. You start doing your hobby and your full time work in parallel and start selling your hobby at a local market. The start of the process is very slow and seems painful. But you take your tenacity and stick with it.
Four months go by of working double duty. You are starting to make a name for yourself at the market. Small variety of product, packaging the is pretty questionable, but you eventually decide that you have 100% had enough of the “Job” and you go in the week after the holiday and just quit! No warning and no notice. As you walk out, you’re thinking to yourself, “Damn that felt good!” But now it is just about you and only you.
So now is the time where indecision sets in. Did I do the right thing? Am I going to be OK? Will my product continue to sell? You put on your brave face and trudge through all that is about to come your way. All the good, bad and the ugly. All the good you feel while you are doing your craft. All the bad when you slip in the process of making your craft. And all the mental strain of figuring out how to make the most in the least amount of time.